As a Nursebuddy customer, you signed up for a package of hours to be used monthly. If you use more than these hours, you will be moved to a package with higher hours that reflects your usage on your next invoice.
Nursebuddy calculates your hours based on the billable hours that you have used during the month and we only take into account assigned visits.
These hours are also used in your Payroll and Invoices.
Important: when you start using Nursebuddy, you should set how this billable time will be calculated.
In Settings > General Settings > Reporting you have the option to choose between 'reported visit times' or 'planned times'. By default, the box is unticked meaning that your billable time will use planned hours:
Where this will be reflected?
Your Invoices and Payroll will utilise the billed time setting. Additionally, our account department checks your billed time in order to generate accurate invoices based on your usage hours.
What happened if I decide to use Reported time?
If you choose to use Reported time, you should be aware that if your carers forget to logout from a visit, the time of the visit will keep running and that might inflate the amount of billed hours when they completed the visit, causing your Nursebuddy bill to be higher. If you want to use the Reported time setting, please remember to remind your carers to log out on time after every visit.
What about double handed (or multiple carers) visits?
In visits where there are more than one carer, the billed time will be calculated according the number of carers in the visit. For example, if one client has a double-up visit of 1 hour duration, the billable time is 2 hours, but the visit count is 1. You can see this in the Visit List Report and Visit-Summary report. In Payroll report each carer will have assigned 1 hour for this visit.
How can I check my monthly hours?
You can see how many hours you have used during the month in your Reports.
Go to Reports > Client Reports > Visit-Summary and set the time frame (if not otherwise stated, Nursebuddy uses calendar months to calculate usage for your invoice ). At the bottom of the report you will see the total billable time:
What if I'm billed by the number of visits instead of care hours?
This has been agreed with you when you first signed up for Nursebuddy so our account department will be aware of this. You can use the Visit Summary report to quickly check the total number of your visits as well.
For more details of the breakdown of your hours, you can always refer to the Client Visit List report.