Nursebuddy Training Centre

Everything you need to know to start using Nursebuddy

Rocio Solis avatar
Written by Rocio Solis
Updated over a week ago

Follow the videos below to learn how to use the basics of Nursebuddy

Client profiles

You can find step by step written instructions in the following links:

Carer profiles

You can find step by step written instructions in the following links:


You can find step by step written instructions in the following links:

Carer app

You can find step by step written instructions in the following links:

Help & Support

You can find the different channels to get support clicking here

Admin settings

You can find step by step written instructions in the following link:


You can find step by step written instructions in the following links:


You can find more information about Business Metrics in the following links:

Incident Report:


You can find more information about invoicing in the following link:

Payroll and Payroll Products

Video #1: Creating your Rate Plans

Video #2: Adding Products to your Rate Plans so you can pay carers a different rate according to the type of the visit (E.g: Dementia Care visits have a different pay rate):

Video #3: How the different rates will be showing up in the payroll report:

For more information about payroll and mileage, click in the following link:

Medication List and eMAR

Find more information in these articles:

Admin Settings- Task-Teams and Integrations

For more information about your Tasks, Teams and Integrations, check these articles:

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