Keep track of your carers' compliance requirements all in one place.
Go to Admin menu > Settings > Carers > Carer Compliances.
Settings are only viewable to admin users.ย
2. Click "Add compliance", and input your compliances one at a time. This becomes your central list to then add to your carer profiles.
3. Go to a carer's profile and open the compliance tab to add a new compliance.
Select from Actions the option "Add new compliance"
To edit a compliance's name you need to open the compliance's name list in Settings>Carers by clicking on the name and making the changes to the name.
4. Select the compliance from your predefined list.
5. Add the valid from and expiration date (*you will get a notification when the expiration date is next) notes and supporting documentation (attach files)
* Compliance notifications
The system will create notifications before your carers' compliances are due to expire. You can define the notification threshold from Settings > General settings > Notifications > Compliance expired notification threshold (days).
You can also view your compliances under reports, from Reports > Carer reports > Compliance.