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How to edit the eMAR and Medication List
How to edit the eMAR and Medication List

I need to make changes in medications such a dosages, start/end times, repetition rules

Rocio Solis avatar
Written by Rocio Solis
Updated over 5 months ago

The eMAR is linked to the medication list. Every change that you make in a specific medication will be reflected in the MAR charts. Furthermore it is important that you select the right option when you need to edit information in a medicine.

Before to continue is important to note this: Office staff (manager, admin, etc) can NOT edit or make old medication reports disappear no matter what they do to the medicine, the reports will remain on eMAR. If a report needs to be removed or edited, please ask your carers to proceed with the changes from their apps

To edit a medicine information you need to go to Medication Tab in the client's profile and click on the three dots at the end of each row:

Then select "Edit Medicine" to open the window and from the "Action" menu select one of the possible options:

  • Edit to Make a Correction

This option updates the details of a medicine automatically, for both medication lists and for the carers in their app.

When to use this option?

  1. The instructions have a typo or wrong information, or

  2. If you just added a new medicine/new version to the list but you noticed it has wrong dosages or time labels and the carers have not made any reports yet.

Edit to make a correction cannot be used if in the medicine a report Given or Not given exists. Use Create a new version of this medicine instead

  • Create a new version of this medicine

When to use this option?

In one of these scenarios:

  1. "There will be a new dosage of a medication from next week onwards and I need to update this to the list".

  2. "The GP of my client has changed the repetition from daily to weekly in a medication from tomorrow onwards"

Creating a new version of a medication will end the previous one. So for example if you set the start date for the new version as of today, the previous version will have an end date for yesterday. This will be added automatically you don't need to do anything in the old version. If you need to renew the old version, this will be found in the Past Medicine tab.

The date on the 'CHANGE COMES TO EFFECT ON' field has to be the date after the last medication reported by carers. For example, if there is a report made by carers on today's date the date for the new version should be tomorrow.

After create this new version, an additional chart will be added to the eMAR tab for that medication, but once the month ends only one chart (the new version added) will be visible:

eMAR with 2 versions of the medication (old version won't be visible for the carers):

eMAR from the next month:

  • Set an End Date

For tracing purposes, medicines cannot be deleted.

You can set an end date and time for when you want the medication appear for the last time. If you created a medication by mistake, you can use this option to end the medication in the next minute.

This option will only enable the Ends date box and its purpose is to end medication that is not longer required by the client or if you added a medication that was not required at all. After that you will see this medication in the 'Past Medication' tab where you can 'Renew' it if needed. The inactive chart will remain in the eMAR tab for this month, but it won't be visible anymore from next month onwards. Carers won't see this medication after the end date in their apps.

The system won't allow you to set and End Date in a past date if there are medication reports made by carers on that date. You can set and end date in the past right after the last report.

If you select a specific time to end the medication, that is the last time the medicine will be visible in the carer's app to report it. For example, if the service user has a medicine to be administered at lunch time today and you want this is to be the last dose, you need to end the medication at a time before the last lunch visit end time so this way the medicine will appear for last time in the carer's app during this time:

On the other hand, if you don't want the next lunch dose to appear in the carer's app you would need to end the medication before the next lunch visit starts or immediately (next closer minute):

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