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Assigning Visits on the Schedule page

How to assign client visits to carers on your Schedule page

Rocio Solis avatar
Written by Rocio Solis
Updated over 2 years ago

Once your carer workshifts are added and client visits scheduled in their calendar it's time to assign visits on your schedule page.

The schedule page allows you to schedule on a day by day visit emphasising carer availability so no clashes will happen!ย 

Find everything you need to know about your schedule page setup here.

How to schedule a visit

1. It's simple to assign visits to your carers, just drag and drop the visit boxes from your unfilled visit section up to a box next to the name of a carer.

2. As the calendar is broken down into hourly slots, when you select a visit the calendar itself will turn pale yellow to indicate the time you need to schedule the visit for.

NurseBuddy's prompts explained

1. The grey shaded area that appears next to visits when you're scheduling the next one is the time needed to get between the two visits.

2. The visit box turns red if there's something wrong with the visit. Maybe it's off schedule, or it's been assigned to a no go carer.ย 

3. The number, usually a 2 in the bottom corner of a visit box means more than one carer is required for the visit. Click here for more on multiple carer visits.

Schedule page as a Live Tracker

Your visit planning view is also an incredibly useful place to track the status of your visits and carer activity.

1. The black line indicates the current time
2. Red boxes are missed visits

3. The pale yellow are visits that are yet to be started

4. The bright yellow are visits that were started but not finished

5. Green boxes are ones that have been completed, e.g the carer has checked in and out of the visit correctly

For more detailed information on your visits check out your reports section.

Automated Scheduling Tools

Once you're happy with assigning visits manually you can use our automated scheduling tools.
Find out more here!

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